CIXI Mobilité Active

A strong philosophy backed by solid financing
Von Pierre Francis3 Min. Lesezeit
CIXI Mobilité ActiveA strong philosophy backed by solid financing
Von Pierre Francis3 Min. Lesezeit

From the outset of the CIXI adventure, our investors have placed the positive impact of their commitment above all else, even before their return on investment. This highly committed shareholder base, aligned with our (very) long-term vision, clearly distinguishes our company in the tumultuous arena of start-up financing. 

At CIXI, we want to reintroduce physical activity into our daily commutes 

It's an ambitious challenge: we need to change the mindset that associates 'passive' transport (by car, train, etc.) with well-being. For our teams, well-being rhymes with physical activity. The key to feeling both invigorated and fit is to move a little, a lot, or passionately, every day. Regular physical activity is also an excellent remedy against the excessive sedentariness that characterizes our Western lifestyles.

VIGOZ An Active Vehicle to pedal up to 120 km/h comfortably, safely and intuitively. 2024

A cultural change that requires a product, the VIGOZ, is costly in terms of time and financial resources

To bring about this change in values towards more daily physical effort, CIXI is investing 10 years of constant effort (2015-2025) in the creation and industrialization of the VIGOZ, its vehicle at the crossroads between a car (120 km/h) and a bicycle (you have to pedal to move the VIGOZ). This R&D and industrialization effort is being carried out with our team of 80 employees and a 5,000 m² factory. It's a high-risk investment of around €25 million, and the break-even point between revenue and expenditure will not be reached until 5 years after the future commercial launch (planned at the end of 2026).

The fact that CIXI has chosen to distribute VIGOZ by subscription (to guarantee its impact from manufacture to recycling) rather than through traditional sales must also be taken into account. This marketing approach further increases the amount of cash needed to run the company (the production cost of a vehicle can only be amortized over several years of subscriptions).
CIXI: a solid historical shareholder structure...

Since 2016, CIXI has benefited from the support of humanist investors whose 20-year vision is perfectly aligned with our mission of active mobility. These investors are very patient - to have a positive and profound impact on our society, they accept more than 20 years of high risk-taking before any return on investment.

CIXI team on the terrace of the new building on the sorroundings of Annecy, France. 2024

Alongside these investors, CIXI employees also have access to the company's capital, provided they have been working in the company for at least one year and have made a minimum investment of €3,500. The result? 80% of eligible employees have already taken the plunge and become co-owners of the company (for a total investment of €350,000 in March 2024). The significant impact of these employee-investors is to be found in the level of commitment of our teams: everyone literally works in their own company, and everyone signs their commitment in a very tangible way by investing parts of their savings in our venture.

GoLo by Flevobike and the OkLo both equipped with CIXI's PERS Chainless technology. 2024

... and solid industrial and government partnerships

CIXI has the support of the French government through the France 2030 program, as well as that of NTN Europe through its “Innovative Company Accelerator Program" and STMicroelectronics support. These partnerships are both a great recognition of the importance of innovation and sustainable development in the transport sector that we bring to the table and reliable support points for our teams.

The solidity of our financing means that we can efficiently implement our roadmap in line with our philosophy and put all our energies and technological know-how to work every day to make mobility more active.

As things are now in 2024, we are very well positioned to realize our vision and bring about a significant change in the way we combine active mobility with everyday well-being.