Call for "First Factory" projects under the France 2030 Plan:

CIXI's application was selected!
Von CIXI Team5 Min. Lesezeit
Call for "First Factory" projects under the France 2030 Plan: CIXI's application was selected!
Von CIXI Team5 Min. Lesezeit

CIXI recently took part in the "First Factory" call for projects organised by the French government as part of the France 2030 Plan. This plan aims to accelerate the emergence, industrialisation, and growth of start-ups, to position France as a leader in the world of tomorrow. The excellent news is that the government has selected CIXI's application and awarded our Chainless Pedaling System project funding to support the development of our first plant, located near Annecy. This support, which underlines the government's commitment to technological innovation to make France ever more competitive, - in tune with today's challenges, yet looking to the future -, is real recognition of all the work undertaken by our company to create mobility solutions that are both active and sustainable.

Have you heard of the France 2030 plan?

France 2030 is an investment plan on an unprecedented scale (€54 billion), reflecting the French government's ambition to transform key sectors of the economy (energy, automotive, aeronautics, transport, etc.) over the long term through technological innovation, to achieve a successful ecological transition, and to position France as a real leader in the world of tomorrow.

The plan targets projects of excellence in each of these areas and has a fourfold objective: to develop France's pool of young innovative companies, to reindustrialise the country (with a target of 100 new industrial sites per year by 2030), to support innovation within the regions and to develop the champions of tomorrow throughout France.

50% of the funds are allocated to decarbonisation projects, and 50% to emerging players with innovative projects. The key challenge is to support all the players involved in research, development design, and production so that France can respond competitively to current and future environmental challenges.

From fundamental research to the emergence of an idea to the production of a new product or service, France 2030 supports the entire life cycle of innovation, right through to its industrialisation.

France 2030 Manifesto

Spearheaded by the General Secretariat for Investment on behalf of the Prime Minister and implemented by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), the National Research Agency (ANR), the Public Investment Bank (Bpifrance) and the State bank handling official deposits (Caisse des dépôts et consignations - CDC), this plan provides invaluable support for innovation players, who sometimes struggle to obtain long-term funding, particularly at pivotal moments in their development such as when building their first plant.

The “First Factory” call for projects by France 2030: a lever to support CIXI's ambitions

The aim of this call for projects is to encourage the emergence of ambitious projects in line with the France 2030 vision and "to accelerate the emergence of the first industrialisation successes by innovative industrial start-ups, SMEs or intermediate-sized companies, with the help of subsidies and repayable advances that should enable private capital to be brought on board or supplemented" (France 2030).

After 7 years of R&D and the patenting of the Chainless Pedlaing System, CIXI needed to embark on the road to industrialisation of its active mobility solutions. We, therefore, applied to the "First Factory" call for projects under the France 2030 plan as an innovative start-up in the transport sector, with projects that contribute to decarbonising the economy. While our objectives seemed to us to be entirely in line with those of the France 2030 Plan, we still had to present our assets in a serious, demanding, and determined manner.

What are CIXI's main assets in making France a leader in the world of tomorrow?

  • In an electric bike market dominated by products from a handful of motorisation brands and equipped with expensive gearboxes that add complexity to the bike, we have developed an innovative system that has never been seen before. A chain- and belt-free system that is much easier to maintain, and which literally transforms the world of cycling. No more derailments, no more grease on your fingers or clothes, and no more misfires when changing gear, ...: with the Chainless Pedaling System, CIXI offers a whole new experience in electric cycling.

  • CIXI is also the only French player in the relatively undeveloped Hybrid Series market and has a real competitive advantage thanks to its patented Chainless Pedaling System, which offers high-quality haptics and high responsiveness for an extremely smooth pedalling experience.

  • At the heart of our mission is the desire to make everyday journeys more active in order to enhance users' well-being and address public health issues, while helping to reduce the overall environmental impact of travel, particularly in urban areas, through non-polluting active mobility solutions.

  • Through our positioning, we are directly involved in developing the French cycling industry and facilitating the use and adoption of cycling as a means of transport. In this way, we are aligned with government priorities and in line with the Bicycle Plan presented in September 2022 and the national Bicycle and Walking Plan 2023-2027.

We are convinced of the need to promote the emergence of light active electric mobility in Europe. A new kind of mobility, which contributes to a cultural change that must give pride of place to a physically active lifestyle that respects the planet and is therefore attractive to as many people as possible.

 Pierre Francis, Founder & CEO of CIXI

Enough to convince France 2030 to support CIXI, our innovative company based in the Haute-Savoie region?

France 2030 says "YES" to CIXI: a strong endorsement of our work

We were delighted to receive a favourable response from the French government to our "First Factory" application. This is both proof of the government's confidence in our project and in our ambitions, and a real recognition of years of R&D and strong investment by all the CIXI teams, encouraging us to go even further.

Obtaining this award is an honour and a recognition of the quality of our team. It's a clear sign of the confidence the government has in the project we're working on, which is reflected in the celebration of our efforts. This recognition is a real boost for the long term and opens many doors for our company, thanks in particular to the financial support provided by France 2030.

Nina OMEROVIC BECCALLI, CFO & Business Operations Director, co-founder of CIXI

For the time being, the France 2030 plan will contribute to the production of our Chainless Pedaling System in our brand-new factory in the heart of the Alps. This system will eventually equip our VIGOZ active vehicle and a number of other active vehicles, as we have already done with the development of prototypes in collaboration with LOOK Cycle and Flevobike Technology in particular.

Previously, the VIGOZ project has been recognised with the Deep Tech label as an innovative and disruptive technological project, so France 2030 is a further step towards our vision of more active mobility


As Pierre Francis pointed out in an article published on the Deep Tech website last August, CIXI is aiming for

a business model that promotes a 'design - use - reuse - recycle' cycle for its vehicles. A model based on an annual membership with no ownership encourages us to make vehicles that are designed for the long term by maximising their use by several users. Anticipated sustainability to fight programmed obsolescence!

This funding will enable us to accelerate the transformation of the mobility industry towards more active and environmentally-friendly mobility.