Reveal your talent in the CIXI adventure

At CIXI we want to change the world for the better
Von Coline Clément7 Min. Lesezeit
Reveal your talent in the CIXI adventure
Von Coline Clément7 Min. Lesezeit

At CIXI we want to change the world for the better: we work to make real a more active and environmentally friendly lifestyle. To do this, we develop our own capacity to welcome and help each of our teammates grow, on the clear path our company follows. Our future success relies on our team of passionate collaborators, guided by our common values of kindness, intellectual honesty, and engagement.

An environment of passionate people

The people who join us are passionate. They love what they do and they love learning every day. This enthusiasm is contagious and generates a virtuous cycle within the company. Our positive mindset – manifested throughdaily mutual support – also fuels our technological and creative achievements.

Our collaborators are not only interested in their own discipline, they are also curious about the activities of the others. We encourage a culture of questioning. This requires a strong ability to challenge ourselves, resulting in new ideas and helping us grow quicker in the right direction. In fact, we tend to say that “there are no experts here”: to uphold our value of intellectual honesty, we avoid arguments of authority. This open approach allows everyone tohave aclear viewof the progress of projects, to getdeeply involvedandtoreally understandwhat we do. 


At CIXI, our offices are only steps away from our 300m2 mechanical and electrical workshops.

Our lifestyle: try it, you'll never look back!

Our passion is not limited to the office. We are ambassadors of the active lifestyle we want to offer. We love outdoor activities (biking, trail, hiking, climbing, skiing, etc…). We are lucky to be in Annecy with plenty of beautiful mountains to explore. There is a lot of sharing within the team on these subjects, whether it being a spontaneous ski tour, or getting some advice on where to go for ibex-watching.

Lucas M., Mechanical Engineer at CIXI regularly takes advantage of lunch breaks to go running to the top of the Mandallaz and admire the city from above, with the Bauges and Aravis mountain ranges in the background. Joining the team and discovering this environment gave him a taste for trail running. This practice allows him to balance work and outdoor activities.

We are not all well-trained runners, but we like to be in the heart of nature and feel the fresh wind. Most of us bike to work every day. This brings positive energy in the morning! 

Bike parking spot at CIXI

Outside our offices, there are two parking spots for cars and 22 for bikes!

Great freedom, great responsibilities

At CIXI, there is no clocking in every morning. Trainees as well as managers, everyone is responsible for his/her own schedules. Flexibility is a natural counterpart to commitment. This is how we organize ourselves to advance on our projects and achieve our goals. 

Hugo. R, in his final year of engineering internship, practices cycling at a competitive level. He says:

A relationship of mutual trust was very quickly established. As long as my project progresses at a good pace, no one counts the hours I spend on it. Of course, to do this I adapt my organisation - arriving earlier in the morning and/or leaving later in the evening when I have training during the day. I like this organisation because I can manage my time according to what’s best for me.

Bike ride in the woods

Be part of a meaningful project

Our fastest vehicle responds to two major issues: the health of the individual and the human impact on the environment.

Europeans spend an average of 7h26 of their day sitting [1]. This sedentary lifestyle is mainly due to the way we work and the increasing use of passive transport. Yet, this lifestyle results in several physical health risks – such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity – and mental health risks – such as anxiety and depression. To maintain an active lifestyle, let’s start by choosing active mobility.

In environmental terms, the carbon footprint of the average French citizen is 12tCO2 per year per person [2]. Cars are what weigh the most when calculating this footprint [3]. To reduce this, it is important to rethink our daily journeys, consuming less energy or better.

In the current context of climate change and the need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, CIXI brings a real value proposition for tomorrow’s world.

Many of us try to make sense out of our professional lives -working for the common good, being in harmony with our values, doing useful work… Joining CIXI means taking part in a meaningful project by acting on a mobility with positive impacts on our society.  Our team is driven by passion and the feeling of belonging in a company that makes sense. 

Growing up with CIXI

Growing with our company is both an opportunity and a necessity. 

An opportunity because there is a lot to discover and learn. In the world of a startup, we are confronted with several different issues and immersed in multifaceted experiences. 

For example, working in human resources at CIXI means discovering new topics (strategic, legal…) and new jobs every week as the team grows.

However, growing up is also a necessity: you have to develop your skills to respond to the various issues that arise daily. Knowing how to adapt and set yourself high standards allows you to keep developing yourself to face new challenges.

But growing with the company is above all a desire. The CIXI adventure is only just beginning and is destined to change mobility as we know it. There are 65 of us today, still our ambition is to create an international company with a positive impact on a global scale.


Let’s write this story together:

Future opportunities are to be seized today, join us to express your talent!


Notes & references

[1]“Résultats De L’étude Attitude Prévention 2018 ‘Sédentarité Et Activité Physique En Europe.’”Assurance Prévention, 29 Mai 2020,

[2]“L’empreinte Carbone Des Français, Un Sujet Tabou ?”Ravijen, 1 Dec. 2018,

[3] on average at 2tCO2 per year per person